Video Walkthroughs

02 October 2017 giraffeacademy giraffeacademy

Giraffe Academy has a series of videos that will walk you through the basics of using Jekyll. In this series you’ll learn everything from installing Jekyll on your computer and setting up your first site, to using more complex features like variables, layouts and conditionals.

List of LessonsPermalink

  1. Introduction to Jekyll (see above)
  2. Mac Installation
  3. Windows Installation
  4. Creating a Site
  5. Front Matter
  6. Writing Posts
  7. Working With Drafts
  8. Creating Pages
  9. Permalinks
  10. Front Matter Defaults
  11. Themes
  12. Layouts
  13. Variables
  14. Includes
  15. Looping Through Posts
  16. Conditionals
  17. Data Files
  18. Static Files
  19. Hosting on GitHub Pages